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Available services
  • Payment facility of different utility bills i.e. water, mobile, telephone, electricity etc.
  • Application forms for various citizen services
  • Redressal of grievance related to different state government departments

Raj stamps

Available services
  • Online DLC Status and DLC rates
  • Online calculation of stamp duty
  • Registration and stamp department related application form for various services
  • Fee details for different kinds of document
  • Online submission of grievance/complaint application
  • Citizen charter in Hindi
  • Registration and stamp department

Send your queries to Chief Minister

Available services
  • Send your queries online to Chief Minister and get back his/her response

Emergency Services

Available services
  • District wise information on available emergency services
  • Information available on ambulance, fire, electricity, hospitals, police, railway, water etc.

Online BPL List

Available services

  • For urban and rural area, separate list available for BPL (Below Poverty Line) people
  • Name can be seen by village/ward wise

Online Citizen Charter

Available services
  • Department wise citizen charters in Hindi
  • Charters are in PDF format and easily downloadable and readable

Acts and Policies

Available services
  • State policy on various issues
  • All act and policies are in PDF format and easily downloadable

Transport Services

Available services
  • Information on vehicle registration
  • Information on process to get learner license, permanent driving license, permit etc.
  • Fee details for all transport department related services Citizen charters and road sign for safe driving

Rajasthan Police

Available services
  • Status of police verification for Passport Application and Arm License Application
  • Status of application can be seen by district-wise

Online Electoral Rolls

Available services
  • Online district wise electoral rolls
  • Name can be seen in the electoral rolls by EPIC number or by voters name

Common Service Centre Scheme

Available services
  • Common Service Centre related request for proposal (RFP)
  • Location details of Common Service Centers (CSCs)

Web Directory

Available services
  • Website directory of all important government institutions
  • Directory categorized under state government departments, Rajasthan based state and central government institutions, districts of Rajasthan etc

Government Tenders

Available services
  • Information on department wise tender and Request For Proposal (RFP)
  • All tenders are in PDF format and are easily downloadable

Gang Canal Regulation Computerization Project

Gang Canal Regulation Computerization System Project has been deployed to facilitate farmers from every nook and corner of Ganganagar district to access real time information about the status of the entire network of canals of the Gang Canal Irrigation System. The project is designed and developed in order to connect every farmer of the irrigated land area of 3.14 lakh hectares that is spread across 1222 villages (which fall under 1222 chaks) of 7 blocks of district Ganganagar.

Key Aspects

  • It strengthens the accuracy of regulation system of water supply and ensures effective delivery of information by using ICT to address problem of delayed information.
  • The automatic system made computerized regulation chart and ensured the amount of inflow of water in the district is available for everyone to see on real-time basis.
  • This web-portal is an extremely convenient platform to update gauge value of canals and heads every three hours by displaying the water level of the canal on each head along with the schedule of opening and closing of the canals
  • The inflow of water, decision of WUAs, regulation of amount of water in all major and minor canals of the district, time of opening and closing of canal, weather forecast, mandi rates, details of important government schemes are available to all farmers of the district on a click of a finger on their mobile phones.

Beneficiary of the Project

Gang Canal Regulation Computerization System covers a network of 23 canals, 1222 villages and benefitting 1.5 lakh farmers of this district.

Visit NCEG for More Information.

Silicosis Care

This project is to monitor, manage and implement grant processes of silicosis patients and providing silicosis Pension, Palanhar and NFSA to Beneficiary. Silicosis care campaign was launched as an innovation to provide early payment amount to the deprived silicosis victims and to benefit from other schemes.

Key Aspects

  • A Google Sheet has been prepared for quick disposal of silicosis applications received in the district on Silicosis Grant Disbursement Portal and prompt payment to certified patients, benefiting from Pension, Palanhar and NFSA.
  • To design a web-based application for implementation of grant processes, silicosis Pension, Silicosis Palanhar Yojana and Food Safety Scheme of silicosis patients.
  • To deliver services to the beneficiaries with minimum waiting time and involving minimum physical visits to the hospital and to Collectorate/offices of respective departments.
  • To minimize duplicate/multiple claims/applications for financial assistance by a single beneficiary or his/her family.

Beneficiary of the Project

109 Silicosis victims in the camps benefited from the Palanhar Scheme and 140 Silicosis Pension Scheme, besides 550 Nutrition Packets were distributed to Silicosis Victims for their better health.

Visit NCEG for more information.

TB Mukt Gram Panchayat Abhiyaan


The National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP), Medical and Health Department, Rajasthan, in collaboration with Panchayati Raj department is organizing a “TB Mukt Gram Panchayat” campaign from August 15, 2022 to April 24, 2023 (Panchayat Diwas) towards achieving the goal of elimination of tuberculosis in the state by the year 2025.


Community and political participation are critical to realize the goal of TB elimination. Guided by this approach, TB Champions have been identified and sensitized on TB at the Panchayat level through the program. To ensure their participation in the program, awareness activities at the Panchayat level have been organized in the presence of local Panchayat leaders.

Overall Approach and Key strategies

Under the campaign, five Gram panchayats / wards have been identified in each Tuberculosis Unit (TU) with the goal of becoming a “TB-free Gram Panchayat”, and a Person Support Group (PSG) of 10-12 members has been formed at the local level, in which Sarpanch, Deputy Sarpanch, Panchayat Secretary, Medical Officers, TB Champions, Community Health Officers, ANMs, ASHA, Anganwadi workers, government teachers, religious groups, voluntary organizations and other influential members are included.

The TB Mukt Gram Panchayat aims at creating awareness regarding TB disease, early diagnosis, and treatment of PwTB, promoting TB detection, and supporting PwTB and their families. 

Key Strategies:

  • Case finding- Active and Passive (including post TB, post-COVID and other vulnerable groups)
  • Community Awareness activities
  • Community Support activities (Ni-kshay Sambal Yojana)
  • Public health action for current PwTB including TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) to contacts

Timeline: August 15, 2022, to April 24, 2023

S.No. Activity Timeline
1. Selection of Gram Panchayats June 2022
2. Trainings and sensitization of Person Support Groups July 2022
3. Field activities  15th August, 2022 (Launch of campaign)
4. Evaluation of TB-free status March 2023
5. Felicitation of Gram Panchayats 24 April, 2023 (National Panchayat Day)


The campaign shall be evaluated on process and outcome indicators under the supervision and report of expert committee constituted by the state comprising of five experts from different fields.

Potential for replication and scale-up

The state intends to scale this campaign to all Panchayats of the state by 2025.

Visit TBC India for more information.


Related Resources

  1. http://informatics.nic.in/

अंतिम सुधारित : 2/28/2023

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